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The Goward group uses advanced solid-state NMR techniques to study changes to the structure and local dynamics in a wide variety of materials in the energy storage field. By combining spectroscopic and electrochemical methods, our lab aims to understand the microscopic details that ultimately lead to the production of better battery and fuel cell technologies.

Cathode Materials for Lithium and Sodium Ion Batteries

The development of optimized cathode materials for both lithium and sodium ion batteries is a necessary step towards building better batteries. Solid-state NMR can be used to understand the unique structural features that give rise to ideal electrochemical performance.

Solid State Ion Conductors

Solid state ion conductors have the potential to massively improve performance in both lithium ion batteries and fuel cells. Using solid-state NMR, the mobility properties of the diffusing ion can be tracked to identify new materials.

In Situ and Operando NMR Techniques

The ability to observe changes in an electrochemical cell during operation allows for improved understanding of the transport properties in both the electrolyte and electrodes of a cell. In situ magnetic resonance imaging methods can be used to visualize the diffusing components in the cell, providing important information that can be used for onboard battery management systems in electric vehicles.

Traditional and Emerging Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells

Hydrogen fuel cells offer a potentially ‘clean’ method of energy conversion, with the additional benefits of exhibiting high energy density and high efficiency. Solid-state NMR provides an opportunity to observe the mechanism of proton transport in polymer membranes, and attribute local dynamics to specific structural features.

Metal-Air Batteries

Metal-air batteries have the unique ability to provide energy densities comparable to that of gasoline, while still remaining an environmentally friendly energy storage alternative. Solid-state NMR can be used to provide intricate details about the complex chemistry occurring at the electrodes in order to better understand the energy storage mechanism in this relatively new technology.