N. E De Almeida and G. R Goward (2014)
Imidazolium Trifluoromethanesulfonate sPEEK Composites for Anhydrous High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
In: POLYMER ELECTROLYTE FUEL CELLS 14, ed. by Gasteiger, HA and Uchida, H and Buchi, FN and SwiderLyons, K and Jones, D and Ramani, V and Schmidt, TJ and Weber, A and Fenton, JM and Meas, Y and Shinohara, K and Edmundson, M and Perry, KA and Coutanceau, C and Mitsushima, S and Strasser, P and Mantz, R and Fuller, T and Narayanan, SR, vol. 64(3), pp. 425-432, Ind Electrochemistry and Electrochem Engn Div; Battery Div; Corros Div; Energy Technol Div; Phys & Analyt Electrochemistry Div; Army Res Off; Off Naval Res; N E CHEMCAT Corp. ECS Transactions (ISBN: 978-1-60768-539-5).
Imidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate (IFMS) was inserted into a sPEEK host, and a systematic evaluation of the pristine sPEEK, and reference composites was performed. With electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data from the series of polymer, solid-acid, and composites, it was shown that both the anion and cation are involved in proton conduction as well as the sulfonate group on the polymer. EIS also depicted the maximum salt content for highest proton conductivity, collected in anhydrous conditions at 120 degrees C, of 1.1x10(-)3 S/cm with the least amount of salt, which was 37\%. These dynamics were observed in H-1 solid state NMR.
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